Our worship is a celebration of life and an affirmation of the core spiritual values that we share. Every service is unique but there is a common structure. Each service typically includes a chalice lighting, covenant affirmation, a time for people to share joys and concerns, spoken and silent meditation, a sermon, and hymns. Music is a core element of our worship services with Tom Coolidge’s incomparable piano solos and hymn accompaniment and our choir which Tom leads.
Our faith community is diverse and inclusive. It is comprised of people with widely differing theologies including religious humanists, pantheists, theists, Jews, atheists, ethical Christians, earth-based spirituality folks, and more. Our worship language, therefore, reflects that diversity and strives to be as inclusive as we can make it. Sermons are thought provoking and inspirational and deal with real life issues.
Sunday services begin at 11:00 a.m. and are followed at noon with refreshments in our social hall.
The dress at Sunday services is as diverse as our congregation. The usual standard dress for worship is casual. Wear whatever makes you comfortable and know that you and your children don’t need to get dressed up to join us on Sunday.
Our church is accessible to people with disabilities. Anyone in need of assistance or accommodation can contact the church in advance or speak with one of the Sunday greeters.
Recent Sermons:
Spiritual, Not Religious – Rev. Fayre Stephenson
Sermon on the Amount – Rev. Fayre Stephenson