We are glad you are visiting our website! Whether you are looking for a spiritual home, a place to work for social justice, or a caring community of friends in which you can explore, learn, grow, and serve, we hope you will find it at First Universalist Church of Norway! Our mission, as we live our historic, liberal faith, is to nurture spiritual growth, honor diversity, and offer service in love.
Services are on Sundays at 11:00 am from September to June. Services are followed by refreshments in our Concert Hall. We hope you will join us!
February Worship Services
Feb. 2 The Return of the Light Gary McKinstry & Rev. Fayre Stephenson
On this day, the day of Imbolc, we will delve into the historical and spiritual aspects of Celtic paganism – its origins, its focus on seasonal cycles, and its spiritual message of hope.
Feb. 9 Snowed Out
Feb. 16 Snowed Out – Service via Zoom
Feb. 23 Vessel of Justice and Hope Rev. Fayre Stephenson
Our beloved tradition of chalice lighting begun not in ancient times but within our memory, has a proud history. Join us as we explore the history of our UU chalice and its deep spiritual significance.
Church Office Hours: Our office is open Sunday, Monday and Friday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. If you would like to schedule space, please call the office (207 743-2828) or send us an email.